
Dermatology & Cosmetology

The Department of Dermatology is managed by Dr.N.Murali MD., DNB (Dermatology).  The department of Dermatology provides comprehensive diagnosis and treatment for all skin, hair, and nail related diseases. For Hair Transplantation advise, kindly contact 9841011390.

Some of the conditions which are most commonly treated by us are:

Hair loss, Acne, Hives, Rosacea, Latex allergy, Eczema, Psoriasis, Cellulitis, Basal cell carcinoma, Squamous cell carcinoma, Melanoma, Contact dermatitis, Vitiligo, Wart, Seborrheic eczema, Keratosis pilaris, Ringworm, Melisma, Impetigo Apart from this Dr. Murali is also a Cosmetic Dermatologist – He does the following procedures.

Botox Injections

Injecting botulinum toxin into the skin reduces the appearance of wrinkles. It inhibits the release of acetylcholine, which is responsible for the contraction of facial muscles. Because wrinkles are formed through repetitive contraction of these muscles, the lack of acetylcholine results in temporarily diminishing the appearance of wrinkles.


Dermal Fillers


Dermal fillers are another type of injection aimed at increasing the skin’s youthful appearance. A substance is injected into hollows, lines, or wrinkles in the face with an almost immediate volumizing effect. There are several types of fillers, and you should consult with your doctor to determine which is best for you:

  • Hyaluronic acid fillers
  • Synthetic wrinkle fillers
  • Collagen wrinkle fillers
  • Autologous wrinkle fillers, i.e, fillers made from a patient’s own fat or blood

Exfoliating Treatments

There are multiple ways to remove dead skin cells, which can otherwise build up on the surface of the skin and cause problems:

  • Physical exfoliation involves applying an abrasive substance to the face that scrapes away dead surface cells.
  • Microdermabrasion uses tiny crystals that are sprayed on the skin to reach the middle layer of the skin.
  • Chemical peels use chemical, usually acidic, substances to exfoliate the skin and come in a variety of strengths.