Liposuction: Preparation, Procedure, and Recovery | Hande Hospital

Exercise, diet, and a healthy lifestyle help you stay in shape and maintain your physical fitness. However, there is often that one spot where you just cannot get rid of the fat, regardless of what diet or exercise you try. This is where liposuction comes in to help you.

Liposuction is among the top five plastic surgeries in the world. As the name suggests, it involves suctioning the “lipo”, meaning fat cells out of the targeted parts of your body. With strict eligibility criteria, this procedure is considered safe and highly effective in getting rid of unwanted fat.

So if you have that stubborn fat in your tummy, upper arms, thighs, butt, or any other body part, liposuction can help you address it. Continue reading to learn how.

Are You Eligible for Liposuction?

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery, meaning it is not medically required but optional for the recipient. Due to this, you have to fulfill the eligibility criteria for this plastic surgery before getting any further. Some of the eligibility factors are mentioned here: 

  • You must have a healthy weight to get liposuction. In case of obesity or excessive weight, the doctor would ask you to lose some weight before considering this surgery.
  • You must not have any bleeding or healing disorders like diabetes and other conditions. This poses a risk of complications before and after the surgery.
  • You must not have any condition that impairs your immune system and could interfere with your recovery.

During the consultation, the doctor will look into your medical records and ensure that nothing in your medical history poses a risk of complication. Then only, they will suggest a liposuction procedure for you.

How to Prepare for a Liposuction Surgery?

Liposuction can be a major surgery or minimally invasive. This depends on the target body part and the amount of fat that needs to be removed. The preparation and recovery plan varies based on the type of surgery you have.

Here are some things you can expect before liposuction:

  • You may need to discontinue some of your medications, be it prescribed, over-the-counter, or supplements. These include blood thinners, NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), and others.
  • You will have to quit smoking and drinking alcohol for at least two weeks before undergoing liposuction.
  • Before the surgery, the doctor may perform imaging tests and mark the target sites using a temporary marker for reference during the procedure.

What to Expect During Liposuction?

Here’s what you can expect during a liposuction surgery:

  • The surgeon may give you a local or general anesthetic based on your body’s tolerance to the drug. This would make the procedure painless.
  • They will make small incisions at the marked sites to get access to the target fat cells.
  • The doctors use a thin tube-like device called a cannula to loosen the fat cells in the area. They do so using manual movements or the vibrating motion of the cannula.
  • Then, they use a suction device like a syringe or a vacuum device to suction out the loosened fat cells.
  • This procedure can take anywhere between thirty minutes to a few hours. The duration depends on the target body part and the amount of fat to be removed. 

What to Expect After a Liposuction Surgery?

If you undergo a minimally invasive liposuction procedure, you will make a relatively quick recovery. Here is what you can excerpt during the liposuction recovery:

  • The doctor would prescribe you some painkillers to allow for a painless recovery. But you might feel some soreness around the operated area for a few weeks.
  • You will need to avoid lifting heavy objects or exerting physically until your doctor deems it safe.
  • The bandages will need to be changed regularly until the surgical wounds heal. 
  • Pay regular follow-up visits to the doctor to ensure you are healing well.

Take Care of Your Body Before and After Liposuction

Note that liposuction, like every other medical procedure, does not come without risks. It is crucial to be transparent with your doctor and opt for this treatment only when eligible. The best way to ensure the success of the procedure is to follow your doctor’s instructions. Also, The results of liposuction are not permanent. Therefore, you will have to invest the necessary love and care in your body to maintain the results.
