Mastoidectomy: A simple solution for chronic ear issues

Mastoidectomy is a surgical procedure performed to address problems within the mastoid bone
located at back of the ear. This comes into place when chronic ear infections are not responsive to
antibiotics or even removal of abnormal growths like cholesteatomas.

The Procedure
Mastoidectomy is relatively simple, with general anaesthesia being administered during the
procedure. The doctor makes an incision behind the ear, opens up the mastoid bone and takes out
infected air cells and/or abnormal tissues. Depending on its severity, a surgery may be easy or take
other more complicated forms such as radical or modified radical mastoidectomies

This is because by removing diseased tissue from the body, patients often experience so much relief
in terms of chronic pain and discharge among others. Patients who get this operation can also have
their cholesteatoma development stopped and therefore get better preservation of hearing in
addition to surrounding structures.

Simplicity and Recovery
The surgery usually lasts between 30 minutes to 1 hour and is performed under an operating
microscope by Dr. Sathyanarayanan JD MS (ENT) – Consultant ENT, Head, Neck & Skull Base
Surgeon in the state-of-the-art Operating Theatre at Hande Hospital. He states that despite its
complexities, when conducted by an surgeon, a mastoidectomy remains a customary, low-risk
operation. Post surgical recovery takes about 3 to 5 weeks and the patient will need to refrain from
engaging in strenuous activities or exercise for around 4 weeks. Their doctor or surgeon can advise
on any gentle exercises they can do while they recover.
All discharge instructions will have to be followed carefully to help prevent infection during recovery,
including covering the affected ear and preventing it from getting wet.
For your next ENT consultation and appointment kindly call 9841011390.
