Urology & Prostate Clinic

Urology & Prostate Clinic

The Urology & Stone Clinic is managed by Dr. Raajiv Dorai MS (General Surgery), FICS, FAIS & Dr. R. Karunamoorthy MS., MCh (Urology) who are specialist in treating diseases of the 

  • Bladder.
  • Kidneys.
  • Ureters.
  • Urethra.

They also treat conditions involving the male reproductive organs and the adrenal glands.

Some of these conditions include Frequent urinary tract infections, Inability to control urination (urinary incontinence), Blood in the urine (haematuria), Conditions of the male reproductive system, including benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH, or enlarged prostate), Interstitial cystitis (painful bladder).

Urologists also treat conditions, such as:
Cancers of the bladder, kidneys, and prostate. Erectile dysfunction (ED), Kidney stones, Congenital urinary tract issues (problems with the urinary tract that you are born with).

You may make an appointment or get a referral to a urologist if you have:

  • Trouble urinating (peeing), including getting started or having a strong flow of urine, pain, cloudy urine, or blood in the urine.
  • Changes in urination, like frequent urination or feeling like you always have to go.
  • Trouble getting or keeping an erection.
  • Infertility.
  • Urinating when you don’t want to, like at night or when you sneeze, laugh or exercise.

For details about our Gentleman’s Health Check-up, kindly contact 9841011390.
